Premium Phyto
Complex Gel

30 ml
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Product Details

Nourishing Ampoule with Fermented Soy Protein

Nourishing Ampoule
with Fermented Soy Protein

Wrinkle Care

제품이미지 제품이미지
  • icon icon
    Nourishing Hydrolyzed soy protein contained in the ampoule provides intensive nourishment to nurture healthy and resilient skin.
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    Soothing Botanical ingredients including Portulaca oleracea extract and aloe vera gel soothe and comfort skin sensitized due to external irritation.
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    Hydrating Gel-type formula rich in moisture spreads smoothly to hydrate dry and parched skin without stickiness.



The following is a description of the ingredients, not the product.

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

Soy protein and fermented bean extract provide nutrients and moisture to nurture radiant skin.

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

Soy protein and fermented bean extract provide nutrients and moisture to nurture radiant skin.

Hyaluronic Acid

Sodium Hyaluronate

The excellent moisture-retaining capabilities of hyaluronic acid provide concentrated hydration for dry and rough skin.

Hyaluronic Acid

Sodium Hyaluronate

The excellent moisture-retaining capabilities of hyaluronic acid provide concentrated hydration for dry and rough skin.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera provides ample moisture and soothing care for easily dehydrated skin.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera provides ample moisture and soothing care for easily dehydrated skin.

How to Use

Daily Treatment

After applying toner, drip 2 to 3 drops on dry areas, or drip on palms, and apply evenly over entire face, then let skin absorb.

After applying toner, drip 2 to 3 drops on dry areas, or drip on palms, and apply evenly over entire face, then let skin absorb.

Usage Tip

  1. Intensive Resilience Care

    Reapply several times over areas that need intensive firming to provide moisture and nutrients, lightly dabbing until sufficiently absorbed.

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